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What is Penis Enlargement Surgery? How is it Performed?

What is Penis Enlargement Surgery? How is it Performed? Penis enlargement surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the length and girth of the penis. The stress caused by a small penis size can be a significant issue for some individuals. However, the decision for such an operation is jointly made based on a specialist's physical examination and the client's desire. Post-surgical aesthetic intervention may require a recovery period of about 4-6 weeks.
What is Penis Enlargement?
Penis enlargement surgery is a type of penis aesthetic surgery. In medical literature, these surgeries are known as penis plastic surgeries. These procedures generally include three main processes: lengthening the penis, increasing its girth, and correcting penile curvature. The standard size of a non-erect penis usually ranges from 5-8 cm.
When erect, this size varies between 10-15 cm. Research in Turkey shows that the average size of an erect penis is 12.5 cm. The normal range for penis length varies according to different experts, from 0.5 to 1 cm.
How an individual feels and how satisfied they are with their sexual life play a role in determining the appropriate size. Generally, penis enlargement surgeries are preferred for individuals whose erect penis size is less than 11 cm. Penis girth varies between individuals within a satisfaction range.
Penis Thickening Surgery
Penis thickening surgeries are satisfaction-oriented. They are mostly requested to enhance the sexual functions of individuals and the satisfaction of both themselves and their partners. These surgeries can be performed using non-surgical methods (such as fillers or fat injections) or through surgical interventions.
Unlike temporary methods like fat injections, interest in permanent methods is increasing. For example, biografts obtained from bovine pericardium or synthetic silicone implants can provide a permanent increase in thickness. This procedure involves an operation lasting about 1.5 hours that provides both penis lengthening and permanent thickening.
Usually, staying one night in the hospital is sufficient, and one can return to an active sexual life about 6 weeks later. Since the main arteries and nerves of the penis are not touched, complications such as functional loss after the procedure are not expected.
Penis Enlargement Surgery Methods
The surgery called ZuDo (Permanent Penis Lengthening) consists of a series of steps:
● Cutting the falciform and suspensory ligaments: Completely cutting these ligaments helps lengthen the penis. Cutting these ligaments prevents the penis from reattaching to the pelvic bone.
● Placing a silicone barrier: A silicone barrier is placed to prevent the ligaments from reattaching. This is important for the penis to lengthen after the surgery.
● Skin transfer from the upper and lower parts of the penis: Tissue transferred from the inside of the penis is used for skin transfer using the VY incision technique. Additionally, if there is skin sagging between the penis and scrotum, peno-scrotal web excision is performed. In some patients, fat is also removed from the pubic area to improve the aesthetic appearance.
Each of these steps is crucial for the success of the penis lengthening surgery. Particularly, cutting the ligaments and placing the silicone barrier helps the penis to lengthen and remain long-term. It is important to obtain detailed information from a specialist doctor regarding the details of this surgery.
The Hardrock Sandwich Technique aims to give the penis a permanent increase in volume by using an organic graft under the skin. This method, unlike temporary methods such as fat or filler injections, uses an organic graft. This allows for long-term results.
In traditional methods, the situation is somewhat different. In most methods like fat injections or filler injections, the injected material may be absorbed by the body, which can result in deformities and dissatisfaction. Also, in some of these methods, non-absorbed materials may accumulate in the penis, causing unwanted appearances.
In the Hardrock Sandwich Technique, an organic graft is used. This graft, derived from animal pericardium, has been safely used in various surgical procedures for years. A plasma gel membrane, prepared from the patient's blood through a special preparation, is placed between the grafts. This membrane acts as a "sandwich" structure between the grafts.
During the surgery, grafts selected according to the size of the patient's erect penis are used. The plasma gel membrane is also placed according to the desired thickness. The structure fixed in the penis is organic and non-dissolving, providing a permanent thickening.
One of the biggest advantages of the Hardrock Sandwich Technique is the organic nature of the materials used and their compliance with international health standards. Additionally, filler materials, graft, and plasma gel membrane are used. These materials can be evenly distributed throughout the penis and adjusted according to the patient's wishes. This method aims to provide even and permanent thickening in the penis, maximizing patient satisfaction.
Other Methods:
● Fat Injection: Fat tissue taken from the patient's body is injected into the penis to increase thickness.
● Skin Grafts: Grafts taken from the patient's own skin are placed around the penis to increase thickness.
Silicone Implants: Silicone implants are placed under or around the penis to help increase its diameter.
● Each method has its unique advantages and risks. Therefore, it is important for individuals considering penis enlargement surgery to obtain detailed information from a specialist doctor.
How is Penis Enlargement Surgery Performed?
Penis enlargement surgery typically results in a size difference of about 2-3 cm before and after the surgery. These surgeries are generally performed by releasing the tendons where the penis is connected to the pelvic bone or by methods such as liposuction.
Liposuction involves removing excess fat from the lower abdomen, which can expose more of the penis root and result in an increase of about 2 cm. However, if weight gain occurs in the lower abdomen after surgery, the length of the penis can revert to its original size.
In penis thickening surgery, the liposuction method is also used to transfer fat taken from the body to the penis. This method can increase the thickness of both the non-erect and erect penis. However, the injected fat may dissolve over time, reducing the thickness. Therefore, although individual results may vary, the new thickness ratio may tend to return to its original state after 2-4 years.
In penile curvature surgery, entry is generally made from the circumcision area, and correction is achieved by bending the opposite side of the curvature. However, if the curvature is very severe, a shortening of 1-2 cm along the penis may occur after the operation.
Who is Penis Enlargement Surgery For?
There may be medical reasons for undergoing enlargement surgery, such as having a micropenis or a buried penis. A micropenis, or a very small penis, is a condition present from birth. A buried penis refers to a penis hidden under the skin from the abdomen, thigh, or scrotum. This condition can also be congenital or may develop with age.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is penis thickening surgery permanent?
● Penis thickening surgery may not be permanent because it uses the patient's own fat tissues, and the injected fat may dissolve over time. This process depends on the individual's metabolic structure and is usually effective for about 2-4 years.
What anesthesia method is used in penis enlargement and thickening surgery?
● Penis enlargement, thickening, and curvature correction surgeries are performed under general anesthesia.
When can sexual intercourse resume after penis plastic surgery?
● Patients typically avoid sexual activities for at least 4-6 weeks after penis plastic surgery.
How many centimeters can the penis be lengthened and thickened through enlargement surgery?
● Penis enlargement surgeries typically result in an average lengthening of 2-3 cm. However, better results may be obtained when performed together with thickening.
Does penis enlargement surgery prevent premature ejaculation?
● Penis enlargement surgery does not prevent premature ejaculation. However, it is thought that penis thickening operations may partially delay ejaculation time.
What should be the normal penis size?
● The normal size of a man's penis varies from person to person and is generally in the range of 12-14 cm when erect.
What are the causes of penis shortness?
● The causes of penis shortness can be congenital as well as medical and surgical conditions.
What are the risks of penis enlargement and thickening surgeries?
● The risks of penis enlargement and thickening surgeries include infection, poor wound healing, deformities, and asymmetry.
How long does it take for patients to recover after penis plastic surgeries?
● The recovery process after penis enlargement surgery usually lasts 7-14 days. During this time, patients avoid heavy lifting and sexual activities.
What should patients pay attention to after penis enlargement surgery?
● After penis enlargement surgery, applying ice can reduce swelling. Supportive underwear can be used, and doctor appointments should be regularly followed.
What can people concerned about penis size do to avoid surgical risks?
● Individuals concerned about penis size can consult a doctor first and adopt healthy lifestyle habits to avoid surgical risks.
How Long Does Penis Enlargement Surgery Last?
The duration of the surgery depends on the complexity of the procedures being performed. The lengthening process alone may take less time than when lengthening and thickening are performed together. The surgery usually lasts between 2-3 hours.
How Should One Eat After Surgery?
Post-surgery nutrition involves choosing foods that are easy to digest and help the body recover quickly. Excessive fluid intake should be avoided, and care should be taken to prevent long-term weight gain.