
Brasilian Butt Lift (BBL)

Brasilian Butt Lift (BBL)

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

On the rise, the Brazilian Butt Lift has become one of the most popular procedures in cosmetic surgery practices over the last several years.

A Brazilian butt lift is a popular cosmetic procedure that creates more fullness in your backside.

A Brazilian butt lift is a specialized fat transfer procedure that augments the size and shape of the buttocks without implants. Excess fat is removed from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs with liposuction, and a portion of this fat is then strategically injected into the buttocks.

If you’ve heard of a Brazilian butt lift and are curious about more permanent results than exercise alone, read more about the procedure and how to find a reputable provider to make sure it’s done safely.

What to Expect from a Brazilian Butt Lift surgery?

It is important to understand the limitations of any fat transfer procedure. Although a dramatic change in your figure can be achieved with a BBL, it is important to know that not all of the fat transfered to the buttock will survive.

Recently, many BBL surgeons have started posting photos of their results showing a Before and After photo, where the After photograph is taken immediately after the completion of the surgery. While these results show a dramatic transformation, these are NOT the final results.

During the consultations, we explicitly disclose to our patients that right after the surgery all areas will be considerably swollen and the buttock enhancement will be larger than the final result expected. Over the next 3 months, fat which has not survived the procedure is slowly cleared out of the body. About 50% of fat does not survive; This is an estimate that most reputable fat grafting experts agree on. Fat that survives at three months is generally permanent and representative of your final result.

What`s better Brazilian butt lift or buttock implants?

One significant advantage of Brazilian butt lift surgery is that it increases buttock size without implants. In the hands of a specially trained cosmetic surgeon who operates in an accredited facility, the procedure has a low risk for complications and can achieve remarkably natural looking and feeling results.

However, if you are very lean, you may not have enough fat to harvest, and buttock implants may be the only way to achieve your desired size increase. Buttock implants may be a good option for some patients; however, it is important to understand the added risks of having implants, including capsular contracture and a higher risk for infection. Buttock implants can also look and feel less natural compared to a skillfully performed Brazilian butt lift.

Who is a good Candidate for Brazilian butt lift surgery?


The key to being a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift is to have an adequate amount of fat in other areas of your body, and skin elasticity in your buttock region to accept the transferred fat. Your surgeon will remove excess fat from areas that may include the abdomen, love handles, thighs, hips, back or arms. This is the fat that will be removed via liposuction, purified and injected into the buttocks. Without enough available fat you may not be a candidate for the procedure.


Contraindications for a BBL:
  • BMI over 25 (increased risk of complications)
  • Age over 50 (decreased fat survival)
  • Patients who have diabetes (decreased fat survival and risk of infections)


How is Brazilian butt lift surgery performed?

A BBL consists of fat grafting that is notable for its natural-looking results. The procedure involves the following steps:

The procedure is usually performed under anesthesia, but in procedures where a smaller volume of fat is transferred, it may be done with only local anesthesia (numbing medication). You may ask for an anti-nausea medication beforehand, especially if anesthesia makes you sick.

Your surgeon then uses liposuction to remove fat from other areas of your body, such as your hips, stomach, and thighs. Liposuction itself involves making incisions in the skin, and then using a tube to remove fat from the body.

The fat stores that have just been removed from your body are purified and readied for injection into your buttocks.

Your surgeon finishes by injecting the processed fat into specific areas of the buttocks to create a more rounded, full look. They make three to five incisions around the buttocks for fat transfers.

Both liposuction and fat transfer incisions are closed up with stitches. Your surgeon then applies a compression garment against the affected areas of skin to minimize your risk of bleeding.

How long does it take to recover from Brazilian butt lift surgery?

Having an operation on the buttocks requires some special modifications during recovery. While pain is typically minimal and easily controlled through pain medication, you will not be allowed to sit or lie directly on your buttocks for about 2 weeks after a Brazilian butt lift.

During this time, you will need to sleep on your stomach or side, and either lie this way or stand for all activity except using the toilet. When you are ready, your cosmetic surgeon will allow you to sit in a modified position, using a “donut” seat or placing a pillow under your thighs to avoid pressure on the buttocks. Normal sitting activity is typically allowed after 8 weeks or so.

Given you follow your cosmetic surgeon’s instructions, you should be able to resume light daily activities within 1 week after surgery and return to work within 10 to 14 days.

What are the risks of a Brazilian butt lift operation ?

A Brazilian butt lift may carry fewer risks compared to other surgeries, such as silicone buttock implants. Still, as with any surgery, this procedure carries the risk of side effects — some very serious. These include:

  • infection
  • scarring
  • pain
  • lumps under the skin in the areas suctioned or injected
  • loss of skin in the treated areas due to deep infection
  • fat embolism in the heart or lungs, which can be deadly

Current reports show a fatality rate of 1 in 3000 as a result of Brazilian butt lifts. When the procedure is performed incorrectly, injected fat can enter the large veins in the buttocks, and then travel to the lungs. This causes respiratory distress and ultimately death.

Another known side effect is the failure of your buttocks to take up the grafted fat stores. A certain amount of the fat injected is broken down and absorbed by the body. Sometimes you may need an additional one or two procedures.

To help minimize this risk, your surgeon may insert extra fat the first time around.

How much does a Brazilian butt lift surgery cost?

It can vary significantly depending on multiple factors, including:


Experience of the surgeon

Complexity of the procedure performed

Location of the procedure (office, surgery center, hospital)

Type of anesthesia used

Your Brazilian butt lift price will depend on the number of areas where your surgeon performs liposuction, their level of experience, where your surgery is performed, and the type of anesthesia you get.

Be wary of doctors who advertise large discounts. “As a general rule, if the price for a BBL sounds too good to be true, that’s a red flag” - caution experienced plastic surgeons.

*A low-cost BBL surgery performed by an inexperienced surgeon who delivers poor results is not a good combination.