


What is a Gynaecomastia?


Gynecomastia is an increase in the volume of breast tissue in boys or men caused by an imbalance of the hormones oestrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. 

In newborns, pubescent boys and older men, gynaecomastia can develop as a result of normal changes in hormone levels, although there are other causes.

Gynecomastia is usually not a serious problem, but managing the condition can be difficult. Men and boys with gynaecomastia sometimes experience chest pain and may feel uncomfortable.


Which risk factors relate to the gynaecomastia?

Risk factors for gynaecomastia include: 


Old age

Use of anabolic steroids to improve performance

Certain medical conditions including liver and kidney disease, thyroid disease, hormonally active tumours and Klinefelter's syndrome.


What causes  gynecomastia ?

It's not just one factor that causes gynecomastia. A sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet are the main culprits.

Gynecomastia is caused by a lack of physical exercise, idleness, and malnutrition in today's metropolitan society, which is a need due to living circumstances (breast enlargement in men).


How do I know if I have gynecomastia?


Most adult men with gynecomastia report no symptoms. Signs and symptoms of the condition may include:

Pain, particularly in adolescents

Swollen breast tissue

Breast tenderness

Nipple sensitivity with rubbing against clothes


Does the term "false gynacomastia" exist? Do you think so, and if so, in what ways?

Fattening of the breasts without development of the mammary gland is the most prevalent cause of false gynecomastia.


Is gynecomastia diagnosed by examining the patient's breasts?

Gynecomastia must be diagnosed by doing a manual exam on both breasts. Behind the nipple, a solid lump the size of a walnut may be felt. Ideally, a breast ultrasound would corroborate these results. Diagnosis and therapy are guided by the results of the physical examination and the USG.

Who is a candidate for gynecomastia surgery and who should avoid it?

At least two years should elapse before deciding on surgery for gynecomastia in adolescence, owing to hormonal fluctuations. After puberty, surgery may be necessary if the symptoms do not go away. The procedure should be postponed for at least a year if the patient is above the age of 40.


What is a Gynecomastia Surgery?


When patients come in complaining of gynaecomastia, they usually complain of a thickening in the breast with or without excess fat. Breast tissue removal surgery usually involves liposuction of excess fat, surgical removal of excess breast glandular tissue through an incision along the edge of the nipple-areolar complex and/or skin excision (for very large male breasts). It is important that your surgeon performs a proper physical examination of the breast to confirm gynaecomastia and rule out the suspicion of male breast cancer.


What are the complications of gynaecomastia surgery?


In general, gynaecomastia surgery is incredibly safe and most patients recover without complications. Despite the utmost attention to safety on the part of the patient and the surgeon, complications can occur. Common complications include bruising, bleeding, fluid accumulation, contour abnormalities, nipple skin loss, visible scarring, nipple numbness, retracted nipples, flabby breast skin and asymmetry.


Is there any danger associated with having surgery to remove a gynecomastia?

Plastic surgeons should be the ones doing gynecomastia surgery. Various deformities, such as an inward collapse of the nipple like a crater or an outward protrusion, may be caused by operations done by physicians other than plastic surgeons.


How long will it take to recover from gynecomastia surgery? 


For patients who only require liposuction to correct enlarged male breasts, it usually takes less than one week to return to physical activity and work. For patients who require surgical removal of excess breast tissue, it may take two to four weeks to heal sufficiently to be able to engage in daily activities.


Will my breasts come back?

Your breasts won't grow back after surgery, but you run the risk of fattening and enlargement of your breasts if you continue to gain and lose weight. Because of this, you should eat a well-balanced diet and avoid fatty and high-calorie items after surgery.


I had gynecomastia surgery, do I need to wear a gynecomastia vest now?
After a gynecomastia operation, a medical device called a gynecomastia vest should be worn. As soon as possible after surgery, you should put on this easy-to-use vest and keep it on as directed by your doctor (approximately 2-3 weeks).

What type of anaesthesia is used during gynecomastia surgery?


Depending on the patient's health, this procedure may be conducted under local anesthetic, sedation, or general anesthesia. The patient might be released from the hospital the same day or the next day.


Afterwards, will there be a scar after gynecomastia surgery?

It is the surgical technique that determines whether a patient will have a scar after gynecomastia surgery. If liposuction is used, the surgery is completed in such a manner that there is little scarring.


How many hours does gynecomastia surgery last?


1-2 hours


Gynecomastia Surgery Cost 

Each patient's condition, amount of breast tissue, weight, and kind of anesthetic are all factors in determining their gynecomastia surgery cost. Please get in touch with us if you'd like further information or a quote.