


What is liposuction ?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms or neck. Liposuction also shapes (contours) these areas. Other names for liposuction include lipoplasty and body contouring.

Liposuction isn't typically\ considered an overall weight-loss method or a weight-loss alternative. If you're overweight, you're likely to lose more weight through diet and exercise or through bariatric procedures — such as gastric bypass surgery — than you would with liposuction.

When it comes to liposuction, who are the greatest candidates?

The greatest candidates for liposuction are those who are either their usual weight or 10 percent overweight, but who have a tight and elastic skin structure and excessive fat buildup in certain areas of their bodies. This treatment may be performed on anybody who is physically fit


How is liposuction performed?


During liposuction, the fat under the skin is vacuumed out of the body by a tiny cannula (hollow tube) placed through a 1-2 mm incision in the skin. Using a vacuum pump or a big injector, the cannula's sucking power may be sent to it. Before the fat is removed, a medicinal solution is injected intravenously. Allows for quicker fat tissue removal, less bleeding and better anaesthetic effectiveness during and after the operation thanks to the combination of intravenous saline, lidocaine (a local anesthetic) and epinephrine (a medication that induces blood vessels to dilate). Fluid injection also helps reduce post-surgical bruises.

How is liposuction applied to the body?

No matter where there is fat buildup, liposuction may remove it. There are various parts of the body where liposuction may help reduce fat, such as the belly and the hips, thighs and knees.

How much fat can be suctioned out in one session of liposuction?

Liposuction should not remove more fat than 10% of a patient's body weight. For instance, a 60-kilogram individual should only lose 6 liters of fluid throughout the procedure. It should be remembered, however, that liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure. Because of this, we like to stick to a volume of 2 to 5 liters.

Preparing for liposuction, should I diet or exercise?

It is imperative that you attain a weight that you can maintain before getting liposuction. If you are concerned about gaining weight after losing weight with exercise and a strict diet, liposuction may not be the best option for you.

Is there anything you would advise me to watch out for before the procedure?

During the initial appointment, if you have been taking anticoagulants, you should notify us and stop taking them. Quit smoking at least two weeks before to surgery if you want a faster recovery.

Do you have to go under the knife for liposuction? Is it going to be available in the operating room?

Like any other procedure in the realm of cosmetic surgery, liposuction is carried out under anesthesia in a regular hospital operating room (OR).

Is liposuction a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia?

A combination of local anaesthetic and intravenous sedation (injection of a tranquilizer into the vein) may be used to make you more comfortable throughout the surgery if fat is to be removed from certain areas of your body.

General anesthesia is required if more than two areas of fat removal are involved.

Do you think liposuction is a dangerous procedure?

The dangers of liposuction are similar to those of other surgical procedures, despite the fact that it is a very easy process. However, liposuction is a safe technique as long as the patient is suitable for the operation, the operating room has the appropriate equipment, and the doctor has expertise with the process.

How long does it take to do liposuction?

Liposuction takes a different period of time based on the size of the area to be treated, the quantity of fat to be removed, the kind of anaesthetic used, and the method employed. As an example, fat removal from a tiny area may be finished in 30 minutes. Alternatively, it will take an average of two hours to conduct liposuction from the whole belly, hips, and back at the same time.

When will I be discharged from the hospital?

You may have to spend the night in the hospital if you have a large area of fat removed. Patients, on the other hand, usually feel well enough to go home after just a few hours.

Is liposuction an excruciating experience?

The new procedures have greatly reduced the incidence of pain, burning feeling, swelling, bleeding, and temporary numbness, among other symptoms.

What kind of compression garments will I need following my surgery?

To avoid edema (swelling of the tissues), you must wear an elastic compression garment that precisely matches the procedure for a few weeks. A pain reliever will be given to you together with an antibiotic to keep you healthy and free of infection.

I just had liposuction surgery. Is there anything I should be wary of?

It is quite normal to feel a bit anxious or melancholy in the days and weeks after surgery as a consequence of the procedure you have undertaken. However, when you begin to look and feel better, those negative emotions will go away.

How soon will I be able to return to my normal routine following the surgery?

The road to recovery is a long and winding one. To avoid swelling and blood clotting in your legs, you'll be encouraged to walk as soon as possible. A week following the operation, you will begin to feel better and be able to return to work.

You should avoid strenuous activity for approximately a month while your body is still recovering. Three weeks is the average time it takes for a bruise or swelling to go away.

After liposuction, what are the possible complications?

Complications from liposuction surgery are uncommon, although they may happen. If a significant number of areas are treated at once or if the operation site is vast, the danger rises. Removing a large volume of fat and fluid takes longer than doing a smaller surgery.


But as with any major surgery, liposuction carries risks, such as bleeding and a reaction to anesthesia. Possible complications specific to liposuction include:

  • Contour irregularities.Your skin may appear bumpy, wavy or withered due to uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity and unusual healing. These changes may be permanent. Damage beneath the skin from the thin tube (cannula) that's used during liposuction may give the skin a permanent spotted appearance.
  • Fluid accumulation.Temporary pockets of fluid (seromas) can form under the skin. This fluid may need to be drained with a needle.
  • You may feel temporary or permanent numbness in the affected area. Temporary nerve irritation also is possible.
  • Skin infections are rare but possible. A severe skin infection may be life-threatening.
  • Internal puncture.Rarely, a cannula that penetrates too deeply may puncture an internal organ. This may require emergency surgical repair.
  • Fat embolism.Pieces of loosened fat may break away and become trapped in a blood vessel and gather in the lungs or travel to the brain. A fat embolism is a medical emergency.
  • Kidney and heart problems.Shifts in fluid levels as fluids are being injected and suctioned out can cause potentially life-threatening kidney, heart and lung problems.
  • Lidocaine toxicity.Lidocaine is an anesthetic often administered with fluids injected during liposuction to help manage pain. Although generally safe, in rare circumstances, lidocaine toxicity can occur, causing serious heart and central nervous system problems.

Is liposuction a surgical procedure that leaves scars?

When liposuction surgery is performed, the scarring is kept to a minimum and placed where it will be difficult to see.

Does liposuction cause fat to reappear in previously treated areas?

The human body has a certain number of fat cells. The expansion of fat cells, rather than an increase in the number of fat cells, is what causes the deformation of the body. There are less fat cells at the liposuction surgery site and this site is made proportional to the rest of the body, thus over-accumulation of fat is impossible in these areas.

Are there any risks associated with liposuction in the area of fat removal?

Liposuction may result in certain imperfections in appearance, however this is quite uncommon. Sagging, asymmetries, and irregularities in the skin's surface may develop, particularly in elderly people. There is a possibility of a decrease in feeling and pigmentation (color). Some of these issues may need extra surgical treatment.

How much of a difference would liposuction make to my body?

Following surgery, your body's form will instantly alter dramatically. Since the swellings will be gone for the most part in 4 to 6 weeks, you'll be able to see when things have improved. Finally, the ultimate shape (contour) is established after three months, when the small swellings diminish.

What can I do to keep the results of my liposuction surgery?

Maintaining your new shape will be easier if you eat healthily and exercise often. If your expectations are reasonable, you're likely to be pleased with the outcome. Eventually, you'll notice that your clothing fit better and that you're happier with your physique.



How much does a Liposuction surgery cost?

It can vary significantly depending on multiple factors, including:


Experience of the surgeon

Type of liposuction

Location of the procedure (office, surgery center, hospital)

Type of anesthesia used

*A low-cost liposuction surgery performed by an inexperienced surgeon who delivers poor results is not a good combination.