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What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty has become the most performed sexual aesthetic operation in recent years.

It is a surgical procedure to reduce and aesthetically correct the inner labia, which may be enlarged, darkened, elongated, sagging, or irregular, often due to congenital factors or changes during puberty.

The procedure addresses the sagging of the inner labia that extends beyond the outer labia. Additionally, it is performed to correct asymmetry between the labia and address discoloration of the inner labia. Labiaplasty provides psychological, aesthetic, sexual, and functional benefits.

Reasons leading to this procedure include:

  • Shyness and loss of self-confidence
  • Distorted body perception
  • Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse
  • Lack of sensation during sexual intercourse
  • Frequent vaginal infections
  • Problems such as sweating, odor, and infections
  • Discomfort during certain exercises, such as cycling, walking, and sitting

The type of anesthesia used varies depending on the procedure and includes local, general, and spinal anesthesia.

The procedure usually takes between 45 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Techniques include:

  • Deepithelialization (Delamination): A labioplasty technique where the labia are peeled from both the outside and inside.
  • V-plasty: Removal of a wedge-shaped tissue.
  • Partial resection: Cutting the edge of the inner labia.
  • Laser labiaplasty: A method where the inner labia are cauterized using a laser.
  • Lower wedge resection with upper pedicle reconstruction: A triangular tissue is removed from the lower region, and the upper segment is sutured after being lowered.
  • Z-plasty: Removal of tissue in a Z-shaped pattern.

Remember, the appropriate technique for you should be determined by your physician.

Anyone over the age of 18 can undergo this procedure.

Post-Procedure Care:

  • Light bleeding, pain, burning, stinging, and even swelling may occur, which is completely normal.
  • Due to the anatomical structure, this area heals quickly.
  • Generally, you can resume your daily activities, work, and school after 3 days.
  • Dressings should be applied for one week.
  • Strict hygiene should be maintained.
  • Since absorbable stitches are used, they do not need to be removed.
  • Sexual intercourse should be avoided for 1 month after the procedure.
  • Avoid activities such as swimming in the sea or pool, and using saunas for 1 month.