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Azoospermia refers to the absence of sperm in semen in men. Obstructive azoospermia may occur due to blockages in the seminal ducts and may require surgical treatment. Non-obstructive azoospermia is associated with low or absent sperm production and is often linked to hormonal or genetic causes. Treatment varies depending on the cause of the blockage, with assisted reproductive techniques commonly used.

Microdissection TESE (mTESE):

Microdissection TESE is a surgical method used in cases of azoospermia in men. It is employed to obtain sperm from testicular tissue under a microscope and is preferred when other sperm retrieval methods fail or sperm count is very low.

Modern Treatment Methods for Azoospermia include:

- Microdissection TESE: A microsurgical method for obtaining sperm from testicular tissue.

- Hormonal Therapy: Used to increase sperm production.

- Genetic Evaluation and Treatment: Applied in cases of genetically linked azoospermia.

- Assisted Reproductive Techniques: Involving the use of sperm cells obtained from testicular tissue in IVF treatment.

- Immunological Therapies: Used in cases of azoospermia related to immunological causes.

The most suitable treatment method should be determined by a reproductive health specialist, considering the underlying causes and the individual's condition.