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Penis Enlargement

Penis Enlargement

How Is Penis Enlargement Surgery Performed?

Penis enlargement surgery involves surgical interventions to lengthen and thicken the penis. Prior to the operation, the patient consults with the doctor and undergoes a physical examination. The patient expresses their requests, and the doctor provides appropriate recommendations. The operation is planned according to mutually agreed-upon goals.

Before the operation, the use of blood thinners should be avoided, and the consumption of alcohol and green tea should be limited. Eating and drinking are stopped before the surgery since anesthesia will be applied.

During the operation, local or general anesthesia is administered, and the surgery lasts approximately 1 to 1.5 hours. During the operation, an incision may be made in the pubic area to lengthen the penis, and the ligaments attaching the penis to the pubic bone may be cut to extend the penis forward. Additionally, various methods can be used to thicken the penis.

After the operation, the patient can return to normal life within a few days, but sexual intercourse should be avoided for 4-6 weeks. Patients who have had penis thickening may have bandages applied and massages recommended. For those who have had lengthening, traction exercises can be done to prevent the ligaments from reattaching.

The surgery generally aims for a growth of 2 to 5 cm in the penis, and this information is provided to the patient before the operation.

Penis enlargement surgeries are generally divided into two main categories: lengthening and thickening. However, both lengthening and thickening can be achieved simultaneously with the Zudo and HardRock Sandwich techniques.

HARDROCK (Permanent Penis Thickening):

The Hardrock Sandwich Technique is a surgical method used for penis thickening. In this technique, organic grafts and a plasma gel membrane derived from the patient's own blood are used to create a permanent volume under the skin of the penis. The plasma gel membrane placed between the grafts forms a sandwich-like structure. The use of these organic materials increases the reliability and permanence of the method. The Hardrock Sandwich Technique offers more permanent and natural results compared to other methods. However, this procedure should be carefully evaluated and performed by an expert doctor.

ZuDo (Permanent Penis Straightening):

ZuDo is a surgery performed for the purpose of penis lengthening. In this procedure, the ligaments of the penis are cut and a silicone barrier is placed over them. Subsequently, skin is taken from the inside, and fat may be taken from the pubic area if needed. Cutting the ligaments helps in lengthening the penis. ZuDo should be performed by expert surgeons. When applied correctly, successful results in penis lengthening are achieved.