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What is the P-Shot ?

P-shot is a therapy that involves injecting a patient's stem cells back into them in men who have lost sexual function due to prostate enlargement, prostate cancer, age, or negative effects from numerous medicines and therapies. It has no side effects.


What problems can P-shot treat?

Usually, PRP (Plasma Replacement Therapy) is used to repair damaged muscles and tissues and also in growing new tissues.  P-shot has been used to treat the following health problems:

  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
  • Lichen Sclerosus
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Penile Enhancement
  • Sexual function, improving performance and orgasm.


What Benefits Can a Man Have from the P-Shot ?

  • Stronger, firmer erections
  • Easier to achieve and maintain erections (i.e., improved sexual stamina)
  • Increased penile length and girth
  • Improvement in or resolution of penile curvature from Peyronie’s Disease
  • Resolution of penile pain with erection
  • Increased sensitivity in the penis
  • Better overall blood flow to the penis


Is the P-Shot  the same thing as Trimix injections ?


No. TriMix is a shot to produce an erection for a brief period of time and must be given every time you wish to have an erection; however, the P-Shot is a treatment that revives and enhances your natural erections.


What Are the Potential Side Effects of the P-Shot ?


Since PRP is extracted from your own blood, there are few and only minor potential side effects. These include minor bleeding or bruising, swelling, and very rarely infection.


P Shot is a dependable program.

Because the patient's stem cell is utilized in the P-Shot procedure, there is no chance of allergic responses.

P-Shot is a powerful tool.

Because vascular stem cells and growth factors are acquired, P-Shot has a long-lasting and permanent impact.

P-Shot is quick.

P-Shot is a quick procedure that does not need surgery.

P-Shot is a natural product.

P-Shot does not expose your body to any foreign substances. The stem cells and growth factors from the patient are isolated and injected back into the patient.

How does the P-Shot procedure performed ?

Patients' bone marrow blood and 30 mL peripheral blood are obtained. Platelet-rich plasma and stem cells with growth factors are created after a 20-minute procedure. The penile region is sedated with a particular anesthetic cream prior to the application so that the patient does not experience any pain or discomfort throughout the treatment. P-Shot is injected into certain locations of the penile skin and the penis using a little needle.

P-Shot application growth factors


  • PDGF stimulates the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells, the generation of new capillaries, and the number of fibroblasts.


  • TGF promotes collagen synthesis and extracellular matrix production.


  • EGFR enhances collagen production and is related to chemotaxis.


  • VEGF promotes the growth of vascular endothelial cells, the development of new blood vessels, and vascular permeability.


  • IGF stimulates the growth of vascular endothelial cells. Promotes the growth of new blood vessels and tissue cells.



What is the behavior of P-Shot?

• Formation of a new vessel

• Formation of new cells and tissues

• Blood circulation is improved.

• Increased blood flow to the genital area