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Post-Pregnancy Reconstruction

Post-Pregnancy Reconstruction
How is Reconstruction Done After Pregnancy?

In general, the maternity makeover process addresses the physical changes that occur in mothers' bodies during or after pregnancy, allowing women to return to the youthful appearance they had before pregnancy. Performed as a single package with several operations, it allows you to achieve the desired youthful and aesthetic appearance. This surgical procedure includes procedures such as breast lift, abdominoplasty and removal of excess fat in the abdomen.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

The hospitalization period for people who have this surgical operation varies depending on the types of surgery covered and the general condition of the patient. This process is between 1 and 3 days.

Among its types;

Breast lift and enlargement: The sagging and sagging of the breasts that occur after the breastfeeding period is completely eliminated. And you can have a more cosmetic aesthetic appearance.

Abdominoplasty: In this procedure, the skin and muscle are stretched and tightened, and you can achieve a flatter abdomen and slimmer body lines.

Liposuction: It is applied before the tummy tuck operation and fat is removed from areas with high fat content, such as the abdomen, back and hips.

Labioplasty: It allows the loosened vagina to regain its normal aesthetic appearance by correcting the inner lips.

Things to pay attention ?

There may be swelling and pain for the first 2 weeks after this procedure. Therefore, nutrition is very important and excessive active activities should be avoided. Weight should not be lifted, including the baby.
After the procedure, medications prescribed by the doctor must be used.
In order to prolong the duration of aesthetics and use it for a lifetime, sports programs should be included and fitness should be maintained.

Recovery Process After Surgery and Procedure;

The most important thing to consider is the absence of use of tobacco and tobacco products. This should be taken into consideration in the 2-week period before and after the operation, because these products negatively affect the recovery time after the maternity aesthetic surgery. Taking this into consideration is very important in meeting expectations.
After the surgical operation, the complete recovery process of people who undergo this operation takes approximately 3 months.
During the 4 and 6 week period, the patient should not lift loads and engage in activities that will not physically tire him or her.
After this procedure, your self-confidence will increase significantly and you will have a youthful image.